Albon reaches F1 with Toro Rosso in 2019

Alexander Albon, Sochi 2018
Albon’s four wins plus four podiums convinced Toro Rosso

Albon has been released by Nissan e.dams, as he had signed a contract to race in Formula E with them.

Weeks ago, the Thai driver announced he was leaving F2 for FE in 2019. HE competed in two seasons in F1’s support series, with 2018 being a breakthrough: at the start of the year he was the last driver to be confirmed on the grid, initially on a race-by-race basis, but his results convinced DAMS to keep him. He outperformed his team mate consistently and kept an outside chance of fighting for the  title going into the final weekend of the season.

Formula E’s pre-season tests in mid-October had F2 drivers Fuoco and Günther participating, but Albon was missing, his place taken on the final day by former F2 driver Oliver Rowland. Now official confirmation has arrived: Albon has ended his FE adventure before it even started to take the chance of being a Formula 1 driver. His team, Toro Rosso, will revamp its line-up, with 2016 GP2 champion Pierre Gasly promoted to Red Bull and former GP2 driver Brendon Hartley released after a season and a bit to make way for a returning of Daniil Kvyat.

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